Public Relations & Corporate Communications


Public Relations & Corporate Communications

Public Relations & Corporate Communications
14 - 18 Oct 2024
London, United Kingdom
United Kingdom

Public Relations & Corporate Communications


Public Relations and Corporate Communications are at the heart of business performance. Modern methods, tools and channels have greatly increased the speed in which communications can be experienced, from local to global.

In this training course you will learn:

  • The tools and techniques required to manage reputation in a complex media environment
  • How to manage knowledge within the business for media effectiveness
  • How to shape external perceptions of your organisation by first-class corporate internal communications
  • How to develop a strategic approach and a clear plan of action


This Public Relations and Corporate Communications training course seeks to support delegates as they:

  • Set Corporate Affairs in its strategic anticipatory and effective context
  • Develop an understanding of stakeholder programmes for regular, focused communication activities
  • Examine the development of Corporate Affairs tools
  • Understand how to develop and coordinate strategy, plans and tactics
  • Evaluate the use of research.

Delegates, when they return to their organisation, will be able to:

  • Identify the journey from where they are to where they want to be
  • Develop programmes for regular and effective relationship building
  • Manage reputation locally, nationally and globally
  • Measure attitudes and behaviours to prove the benefits for your organisation


  • Public Relations professionals
  • Other key personnel in the organisation whose work involves contact and interaction with internal / external public
  • Also beneficial to personnel professionals who wish to learn how to use communication more effectively – possibly in the areas of personnel, marketing, sales, training and administration


Day 1 : The Power of Communication

  • Welcome and Introductions
  • Programme overview, design and options
  • Opening Exercise: goal setting
  • The Big Picture: overview and PR strategy
  • When Public Relations should be used
  • Corporate Identity and Image: establishing a positive image and identity
  • Becoming a Neighbour of Choice: external reputation management
  • Leaders’ Role in Managing Communications

Day 2 : From the Inside Out: Crafting Consistent Messages

  • The expectations of employees and employers
  • Understanding audiences: segmenting and prioritising
  • Plotting the stakeholder communication journey
  • Getting the message out to audiences
  • Storytelling: creating an unfolding story people pay attention to
  • Empowering employees through social media
  • Steps for creating clear content that has impact
  • Developing trust and credibility with senior leaders

Day 3 : Risks and Threats: Their Identification and Management

  • Planning for the unexpected
  • Using communication activities to manage risk to reputation
  • Repairing a damaged reputation
  • Identifying opinion formers and influencers
  • Engaging with key decision makers
  • Principles for building sustainable relationships with decision makers and influencers
  • VIP and political contact programmes
  • Monitoring political activities

Day 4 : Corporate Communications/PR in the Corporate Mix

  • Media Relations best practices
  • Effective event management
  • Developing a crisis management toolkit
  • Hosting VIP visits
  • Protocol in practice
  • Financial PR activities and roles
  • Multinational and global communication challenges

Day 5 : Powerful and Persuasive Planning

  • 10 stages of PR planning
  • Using market research to plan PR activities
  • Developing measurable objectives for activities
  • Identifying core messages
  • Developing practical communication toolkits
  • Creating a schedule of PR activities
  • Measuring outputs, outcomes and value


Date & Time
Monday, October 14, 2024
Start - 7:00 AM (Europe/London)
Friday, October 18, 2024
End - 12:00 PM (Europe/London)

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